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Container Management Services

Seamless configuration, management, and deployment of containers to
facilitate the smooth deployment of cloud-native applications.

UnitedLayer’s Container Services

Ensure that your applications run flawlessly across diverse cloud environments with UnitedLayer’s container management services.

Containers on Private Cloud

Host your container orchestration solutions like Kubernetes, docker swarm, OpenShift, etc., on dedicated private cloud environments that guarantee 99.999% high availability and extreme scalability to run your application workloads.

Containers on Edge Cloud

Deploy your containers to the nearest edge cloud location of the customers with our widely distributed 150+ edge locations that offer low latency, high availability, quick streaming, and faster content delivery to enhance user experience.

Container Monitoring Platform

Seamless integration of public cloud container services such as ECS, GKE, and AKS with a unified multicloud management platform that provides 360-degree monitoring view, and management of pods and clusters inside a container.

Use Cases

Ensure that your applications run flawlessly across diverse cloud environments with UnitedLayer’s container management services.

Microservices Architecture

Implement a microservices architecture by breaking down applications into smaller, manageable containerized services, enabling better modularity and scalability.

CI/CD Pipeline

Automate the CI/CD pipeline with container orchestration tools, ensuring consistent and rapid software delivery.

Resource Optimization

Efficiently allocate resources and manage container workloads to maximize hardware utilization, reducing infrastructure costs.

Legacy Application Modernization

Containerize legacy applications to make them more agile, portable, and easier to manage while preserving existing functionality.

Disaster Recovery

Implement disaster recovery strategies by replicating containerized applications and data to remote locations for business continuity.

Hybrid Environments

Seamlessly integrate containers with existing virtualized or bare-metal infrastructure to support hybrid cloud strategies.

Need Help Getting Started?

Harness the power of containerization to accelerate innovation, enhance agility, and reduce operational overhead.