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G3 High-Mem Compute Service

Customizable compute instances for high memory intensive application workloads

Cost Optimized Computing For Enterprise Applications

Deploy High memory instances optimized for in-memory databases and caches, perfect for high-performance querying. Purpose-built instances to run large in-memory databases and enterprise applications like SAP HANA, large relational database servers, in-memory analytics workloads, etc. G3 High Mem compute comes out of the box with high performance compute and networking bundled with customizable vCPUs (upto 64) and vRAMs (upto 400 GiB).

In-Memory Processing

Run queries on large data volumes. Process your data completely in memory and quickly get query results.

Tuned for Memory-Intensive Workloads

High memory Compute Instances are optimized for memory-intensive workloads (SAP HANA) for fantastic price-to-performance ratio.

Seamless Scalability

Seamlessly adjust resources and adapt to changing demands, ensuring your infrastructure evolves harmoniously with your project’s needs.

Dedicated Resources

Resources for high memory compute instances like vCPU threads and vRAM memory are assigned exclusively.

Enterprise Performance

Run workloads that require heavy-duty enterprise-grade performance with large amounts of system RAM and 100% CPU resources 24/7 without any resource contention. Deploy wide range of memory optimized instances ranging from 16 to 400 GiB of high memory instances coupled with Intel Xeon® / AMD EPYC™ scalable processors and 100 Gbps extremely low latency network throughput.

Run Your Memory Intensive Workloads On Unitedlayer

Flexible high memory instances with low latency networking